Sylvia and David
Sylvia Mason,
Founder of Crockett Coon Caps

Since I’ve been making my own clothes since the age of 10, it was only natural for my husband to volunteer my services to make tree planting bags for the forestry company for which he worked in 1980. These bags had dual compartments, and full harness and belt pad set up. This $26,000 contract was no small job for a beginner in commercial sewing. However, we jumped at the chance for a home business and went to work. We purchased several commercial, walking foot sewing machines, a fabric saw with a 5 inch blade and all the other necessary tools to do the job. I hired 2 girlfriends to help me sew and we went to work. We completed the job within three months and the company was pleased with our product.

Next, my husband suggested we make fur lined bed sheets! We called them Cozy Love’n Sheets®. Since I run cold blooded, I’d made a set for our bed in 1979, and we loved it! It’s so much more fun to crawl into a cozy bed rather than icy sheets on a wintery night! These sheets were made by lining a regular set of fitted sheets with acrylic fur. You sleep against the soft, comfortable fur layers. We took our Cozy Love’n Sheets all around the country to fairs and shows for 6 years.

Our next products were a natural development of a similar product, but became our best seller, The Cozy Throws, Murals and Bedspreads.(This page is so old that the password is lost and it cannot be edited. Therefore, the email address there is invalid.) These products are made of brilliant acrylic fur of many colors. We did custom designs of horses, cars, tractors or whatever one desired. We are too busy with the hats to make the labor intensive Murals and Spreads any longer.

Crockett Coon Caps came next in 1991 when a business man asked us to make several thousand Coon Caps. No problem, we were into mass production anyway! The first year we made 14,000!

It grew from there. Shortly we designed the Coon Face Cap, which ended up being a real winner, especially due to the fact that there are no others out there like it! The typical hat was very affordable at $18 and children loved them. They boasted a real coon face and tail as, according to tradition, Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone used to wear. Right now we can’t get enough to post. We have to save the faces for Smiley, our Real coon fur Smiling Ringtail! It’s the real McCoy and an awesome hat–although a bit more costly at $125. However you will have a hard time finding a more handsome coon cap!

With every request or dream of others, the varieties are added. We now have quite a selection of real fur hats. We have, however, many people working with us as the job demands, so are available for custom jobs and wholesale. Since our inception, we have made thousands of Cozy Love’n Sheets®, Cozy Throws, and now well over 110,000 coon hats. We continue to provide the best quality service and product possible.

The driving force behind Crockett Coon Caps has been to provide funds to support our ministry of sharing the Word with those who are hungering and thirsting for truth, and helping those in need. A few years ago we made a mission trip to take supplies to an orphanage in Mexico. If any who are reading this page have some funds they would like to share with needy children, check out the link to Casa Timoteo. The Huber’s are a wonderful family who have given all for these children. Every dollar counts to them, and will be put to very good use. They have many needs as they care for the children.

As God provides funds through the work done here He also sends along people in need. We believe we are to be channels of His blessings to those around us, or who come for assistance. “Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.” Luk 6:30 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” 2Co 9:7

Another ministry that really could use some help is a young couple and their 4 children who are saving up funds to go to Cambodia as missionaries. If any of you feel impressed to give to them check out the following info.

For two years we rook in a mother and her 7 children who had no place to stay. They have become like family to us. Four of them are shown below with our daughter with a collection of Historic Fox Hats.

Currently we have another mother and her two children with us, who needed a place to stay, along with an elderly aunt. God sends people, so don’t go looking for them! Then He helps us care for them.

I am currently having to pull back from this ministry a bit for my own health issues. But I have excellent helpers who will take care of your orders. The business email is now:

To reach me personally:

Crockett Coon Caps is actually owned by I SHAREMORE TRUST which was established for the purpose of helping those in need.

“In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence; and his children shall have a place of refuge.” Prov 14:26